Sunday, November 13, 2011

Day One

End of the first day of cycling. Good day, bikes all fixed up, even though they are heavy! My commuter bike seems like heaven. A good undulating ride up into the mountains today, dense jungle through rubber plantations. Now at a lovely riverside hotel, we cycled over where 'The bridge over the river Quai' was filmed. Feels good to get a shower and fresh clothes. Tomorrows the big mountain climb, something like 2000m climb to Kandi over 15km, total day will be 82km. It's going to be tough...and its just started to rain. On a lighter note, I wore the honey badger helmet for the first leg today, certainly got a few double looks, quite a few hoots, some big waves from passers by and quite a long conversation with a boy on the family motorcycle, with the family on it!

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