Saturday, October 28, 2006


I'm having a great time here in London, all going well. I went bee collecting with my friend Peter a few weeks ago.

Friday, September 29, 2006


I've just got back from a few days in Paris, was tres beautiful. Check my .mac photos page for new pics. Off to cornwall for a few weeks before starting work in london on the 16th of October until xmas. See you around town.


Sunday, August 27, 2006

I'm back in blighty!

After a month or so on the road up the east coast, i've flown back to england. I'm now in sunny cornwall, if your in england, contact me on the usual address. This might be the last update for a while, so heres a pretty pic for the road. I took this last week in the great barrier reef.

enjoy life and i'll see you soon.


Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Whos in winter time? ME!

My friend Yasmine took this photo of me unknowingly last sunday, I've got 10 days of my project left then a month holiday around australia. Its pretty hot in blighty at the moment, so enjoy it. Its cold as a squirels nut here.


Monday, July 03, 2006

no time for fun at the moment.

I've moved to Newtown in sydney which is really dope, i live in a small cottage with 2 lovely people, but alas i'm in work 60 hours a week so i dont see much of it! I've only got a month left before i start my return journey to england to catch the last of the british summer! Just gotta finish this damn movie first. check it here.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Byron bay

The following is whipped from an email I just wrote to a friend back home.

I had a damn fine easter weekend, i hope you did too.
Me and a couple of mates, piled in my car and headed
up the coast to byron bay for the bluesfest, alot of
fun - good music, good people, but my highlight was
not at the festival -

I'd paddled out quite far by myself on my mates
longboard, the surf was pretty bad on the beach so i
thought what the hell i'll paddle out and around the
point. Out there I found one guy surfing perfect
waves, it was heaven. Crystal clear waters and no
crowds! (crowds are a bit of a problem in sydney).
anyway, me and this lad were just chatting and getting
sick waves.

Then from nowhere - 10 or so Dolphins came and joined
us! We just sat in silence as they came and had a
sniff of us. It was so natural, we carried on getting
waves and so did they! the dolphins were playing in
the waves just as we were. It was pretty awesome, a
little later after they'd moved on, i paddled over to
a rock i hadnt seen before, i jumped off my board and
paddled down - It was a frickin giant turtle! I wish i
had a pair of goggles with me. The turtle decided to
have a bit of swim too. I turned around to hollar my
new mate, he paddled over. I turned and this beautiful
set came in. I got a sick wave - nose rode the
longboard down a 3 ft face. The turtle had found us a
better sandbank!

A glorious day, A truly glorious day.


Wednesday, March 29, 2006

blue mountains fun.

Theres some more video to come but had to get this out.

NOTE _ I know some you had problems watching the video - you all should be able too now.


Sunday, March 12, 2006

Home and away

Me and mate Theo, headed up to the northern beaches this weekend, in my new car. A 1988 Toyota Seca.

Nice sunset surf at Palm beach, (Yes, Home and Aways Summer bay.) Late night out with the locals then full day of beautiful surf on sunday. Top weekend.


Thursday, February 16, 2006


Hello there,

Havent written on here for a while apologies to those that might come here. I've got house now for a while in randwick in sydney, about 10 mins from the beach. I've been spending alot of time on the beach, due to not having any work and it being summer here. They have bbq's for public use on the beach. alot of fun, shall we eat in the house or on the beach tonite dear? I was up this morning just after sunrise running and swimming at coogee beach. It was empty! fantastic.
I've got a job starting at the end of the month, so you'll probably see me write up on here, more often when I should be doing something important.
I'm feeling healthy which is damn fine, packed in the smokes for good, can swim bleemin miles now. I also pretty much shaved my head. Which is good, puts about 10 years on me though.
This is bronte where i've been spending the remainder of my holidays. Write again soon.


Monday, February 06, 2006

Volcanoe Climbing

This is the veiw from the top of mt.bromor, we set off before sunrise and climbed to the top, it was pretty sick sunrise, looking over to lombok and seeing the other volcanoes popping up out of the morning mist. The last time this volcanoe erupted was only 5 years ago. Jolly good fun.

Friday, January 20, 2006


We spent the festive season in Bali, at a sweet secret spot, surfing perfect crystal clear reef breaks. Its was so goood to relax after a pretty intensive time travelling. We went to a huge party around the bay for new years eve which was pretty crazy, a few of us getting interviewed for indonesian tv, dancing on stage in front of a couple thousand people, night time surf comps. I dragged myself home over the cliffs for new years day sunrise.
We also explored the rest of bali in a huge van, climbing a volcanoe for sunrise, pretty awesome, the last time it erupted was in 2000. It was still steaming!

I'm now in Oz, staying on a 50ft yacht in Brisbane harbour, driving down to sydney in a couple of days. When I get my computer from those bstrds in customs i'll be able to post some recent images.

Big love

Vang Vieng

Looking through my pics, i found this one and its certainly worth publishing, it pretty much sums up the life in loas.

Jons Crash

Jon was rather shaken up, we got the bikes back without having to pay for the damage which is always a bonus. Jon loved retelling the tale to all who asked. He slid out on a narrow sandy corner, sending the bike into the verge. Watch out for those pesky sandy corners!

Sunset crash

This was an awesome sunset in northern vietnam, at this exact moment, Jon was flying off the cliff taking his motorbike with him.


Used in that infamous Lara Croft movie, that is really best forgotten.

Best Playground in the world

Dozing in the midday sun under trees and then getting charged by a hyper school group.

Getting lost in Angkor Wat

There is over 120sqkm of the angkor wat temples to explore, its really good to get lost, deep inside.

Angkor Wat

I was lucky enough to spend 3 days at Angkor Wat in Cambodia, I've been meaning to post these pics for a while but after not having decent net connection in Indonesia over xmas, i never got around to it. So here are some of my favourites. Sunrise over the temples was pretty awesome, remind me to show you the video sometime.