The following is whipped from an email I just wrote to a friend back home.
I had a damn fine easter weekend, i hope you did too.
Me and a couple of mates, piled in my car and headed
up the coast to byron bay for the bluesfest, alot of
fun - good music, good people, but my highlight was
not at the festival -
I'd paddled out quite far by myself on my mates
longboard, the surf was pretty bad on the beach so i
thought what the hell i'll paddle out and around the
point. Out there I found one guy surfing perfect
waves, it was heaven. Crystal clear waters and no
crowds! (crowds are a bit of a problem in sydney).
anyway, me and this lad were just chatting and getting
sick waves.
Then from nowhere - 10 or so Dolphins came and joined
us! We just sat in silence as they came and had a
sniff of us. It was so natural, we carried on getting
waves and so did they! the dolphins were playing in
the waves just as we were. It was pretty awesome, a
little later after they'd moved on, i paddled over to
a rock i hadnt seen before, i jumped off my board and
paddled down - It was a frickin giant turtle! I wish i
had a pair of goggles with me. The turtle decided to
have a bit of swim too. I turned around to hollar my
new mate, he paddled over. I turned and this beautiful
set came in. I got a sick wave - nose rode the
longboard down a 3 ft face. The turtle had found us a
better sandbank!
A glorious day, A truly glorious day.